游艇廚房設計,來自中國設計師Rocky 賴,它的設計靈感來至于游艇,外觀從單塊轉變為時尚餐具柜;從一件藝術家具到廚房,鉆石切割設計的洗菜盆與可調節的桌子,在中間一個升降的隱藏咖啡機,除了所有這些,你還可以創建一個輕松的休息區。

Super Yacht kitchen design, from the Chinese designer Rocky lai, its design inspiration to the yacht, the appearance from the single into a stylish tableware; from an art furniture to the kitchen, diamond cutting design of the wash basin with adjustable table, In the middle of a lift of the hidden coffee machine, in addition to all these, you can also create a relaxing lounge area.